Legal Compliance


Safeguarding Policy

Our Safeguarding Policy is up to date and being fully implemented.

Ruth Cole is our Safeguarding Coordinator for the purpose. 

We make sure that anyone working with children or vulnerable adults are aware of their responsibilities, and training is provided regularly. 

It is important that children and vulnerable adults feel safe, all Church workers in regular contact with these groups are DBS checked. NTCC is affiliated with CCPAS - the Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service - and this organisation has some great resources. See links below.

Please contact John, our secretary, or one of our elders, if you have any concerns.

DBS checked    CCPAS

Sunday School

We have a small Sunday School catering for pre-School and School-age children. This runs according to need, how many children are there and whether they wish to remain in the main church within the congregation or to go into the other room for age-specific activities.  We use various media and crafts which we adapt each week to the needs of the children attending.  This is Bible-based showing God’s love for them and the wider community.  


Toys, drawing and colouring activities are available at the back of the main hall for younger children who want to stay in the hall with their parents during the services. If parents wish to join the main congregation and their children are happy to play at the back with adult members of our church supervising this can be quickly and easily organised.  

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