Mission Support Links

Local Links

South West Baptist Association

North Teignmouth Community Church is currently associated with South West Baptist Association (SWBA) They work with around 90 churches covering Devon, Cornwall, south Somerset and a small part of Dorset. Churches of all shapes and sizes, but they all share in common a broad Baptist basis of church life, and the desire to share the gospel message with local communities. SWBA are also part of the wider Baptist family in the UK – the Baptist Union of Great Britain and also supporters of BMS World Mission.

Partnership UK

NTCC is also partnered to Partnership UK – a growing network of biblically-radical churches which are dynamic in local mission.

What do they offer?

 Help for Churches – providing practical support including recruitment; consultancy on strategy; advice on church governance and trust matters.

 Support churches, leaders, and others. Share ideas and learn from one another.

 Provide Resources – Books, Videos, Newsletters, Articles – Advice, Perspectives, Renewal, Revitalisation …

SEE THEIR WEBSITE: https://partnershipuk.org

National Links

We support 'Good News for Everyone', London City Mission, Open Doors and Christian Response to Eastern Europe.

Good News for Everyone (Formerly Gideon's UK)

'Good News for Everyone' gives free Bibles, New Testaments and Hope Magazines, as part of their ministry to Hospitals, Care Homes, Schools, Universities, Clubs, Police & Ambulance Service, Hotels, Hostels, B&Bs, Prisons - Local workers even delivered free copies of the New Testament, Hope Magazines and a presentation Bible to the captain of six Cruise Ships parked in the bay in Teignmouth during Christmas 2021. 

Hope Mag

Hope magazine is designed to help people find hope in the midst of difficult and challenging times. It includes encouraging scriptures presented in an attractive and illustrative way with many beautiful photos of the countryside.

Christians are told to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation." 
Mark 16:15 - and this is exactly where Good News For Everyone get their motivation. 

Visit their website to find out more, or to support this mission.

Good News For Everyone (formerly Gideons UK) (goodnewsuk.com)

London City Mission

We support this mission which takes the gospel message out to people who are friendless, homeless, living in the most deprived areas of London, youths with no direction in life and nothing to live for, the elderly living alone without love, kindness, care and compassion. 

It all began when a deadly outbreak of cholera swept London in the 1840s, over 200 missionaries went into the slums. They prayed with suffering families, shared the gospel, and held their hands as they died. They risked everything. They went on to open schools for the poor, minister to working men on the docks, traumatised soldiers during the war, housing the homeless before, during and after the Blitz. 180+ years later they are still working in the toughest estates in London, sharing God's love with people who are shunned, ignored or overlooked. 

London CMLondon City Mission is always seeking volunteers to help spread the Word, there are many job opportunities and they welcome students on gap years.

If you are interested in this mission, please see their website for further information.

London City Mission

Open Doors

This is another mission that we are happy to support. They help Christians who have the courage to continue in their faith while living in countries where there is persecution. It all began in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted church in Communist Europe and now support over 60 countries. Open Doors trains leaders and raise awareness of global persecution. They distribute Bibles and resources, bring hope and support to victims of violence and disaster. 

Open DoorsThere are over 340 million Christians being persecuted across the world - and they continue to follow Jesus no matter what the cost. 

One of the many stories concerning Open Doors currently relates to the Christians in Myanmar fearing for their lives and being forcefully recruited into the army.

Visit their website to read some of the stories of some of these persecuted people and their need for prayerful help and support. 

Open Doors

Christian Response to Eastern Europe CR2EE

Also, we support CR2EE, which provides relief to disadvantaged and vulnerable people living in Moldova through donations from individuals and organisations, by giving financial gifts and humanitarian aid to families through churches and other organisations, and projects to provide long term benefits and independence. 

CR2EE has been working in Moldova with vulnerable people since 1997, right across the country from north to south, east to west, providing essential food, clothing, bedding and medical supplies; helping single parents to send their children to nursery school so they can get jobs and improve the quality of their lives; providing running water and heating for families; renovating old people’s houses; rescuing them from homelessness by providing homes. Everything is provided free of charge. 

Every year, at Christmas our Messy Church gets involved with the CR2EE Christmas Shoe Box campaign. Collecting shoes boxes and items to put inside for children in Moldova who would not receive any presents without this aid. The children at Messy Church prepare these shoeboxes lovingly every year, covering the boxes with Christmas paper, as they watch a video showing the excitement of children in Moldova as they open them, as recorded from previous years. It is lovely for everyone to give and to receive. 

International Links

El-Shaddai Charitable Trust - Child Rescue in Goa, India

Anita Elgar-Cole is a member of our church and also the Co-founder of the El Shaddai Charitable Trust established in 1997 with Pastor Matthew Kurian who is of Indian origin. They were both called to this mission by God to rescue desperate children who live on the streets and in the slums of Goa in India. This mission has grown tremendously over the years and they have taken on many other new and exciting projects, such as, meals on wheels to the poor who migrate to the city to find work but end up homeless and hungry. They help families to survive in under-developed villages by building wells, supplying livestock, repairing homes, providing education, community centres, counselling service, health and hygiene help and advice, a home for victims of domestic violence, and much more.

Anita spends six months of the year fundraising in the UK and the rest of the year working in India with the children.  

Anita explains below how it all began:

"In 1996 I went to Goa for a holiday with my daughter to recharge my batteries after driving aid trucks to Romania, Albania and Bosnia for 10 years during the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe.

El Shaddai Child

Right from the start, I was shocked and disturbed by the poverty I witnessed of the children living on the streets and in the slums in Goa - homeless, hungry, sick, begging, many abandoned by their parents, and scavenging in hotel dustbins for food. While I was praying one morning about this, God gave me a vision. I saw a football pitch with many players, then all the players turned into homes, and out of the homes came lots of children - all running around, happy and healthy children, all laughing and playing together. I knew then that God was giving me a glimpse of my future and that I would definitely be opening homes for these children. A few days after this, I went to a local Church and shared my vision with Pastor Matthew Kurian. I discovered then that he had been called to the same ministry. In a dream, God had told him to expect someone from the UK to help him open homes for the street children - this had been a burden on his heart for two years. Matthew had no idea how to get together enough funds for such a venture, and to be honest neither did I, but I knew that if God had called us to this, then He would provide. And He did!  The football players in my dream soon became our volunteers, sponsors, donors, fundraisers, prayer warriors ...

Our first home started with 34 children ... today we have over 4000 children in our care in India. we are a registered charity and our motto is - 'Loving, Sharing, Caring.' Since 1997, with God's help, we have helped over 70,000 children and 40,000 families living in poverty.

Anita - Book

If you are interested in our story, my first book was published in October 2020 called 'Why Me? Why Now?' and it is available on Amazon and via our charity website and all the funds will go towards saving lives. 

If you would like to find out more about El Shaddai please visit our child rescue website in India or our support website in the UK El Shaddai Charitable Trust. 

If you would like to help with this mission either in prayer support, fundraising, sponsorship, donations to our various projects, or by volunteering. We take good care of all our volunteers, and if you read my book, you will discover how rewarding this is. 

Thank you to all those who sponsor and support us. It is very much appreciated by our children and their families."

El Shaddai Street Child Rescue