
Following Jesus means learning to love one another as he loves us. Growing together within the church family and building friendships makes us stronger.

So, we meet together as often as we can - at church meetings in small groups, for social events, etc - and generally get to know each other throughout the good and bad times of our lives. We support each other in times of trouble and have fun together when life is going well.

As a church family, we discover the great mysteries of God through His word, the Bible, and
His people. Leaving behind the wisdom of this world which often fail to work for us,
instead, they cause us suffering and pain.

As we meet over the weeks and years, we notice ourselves and our Christian friends becoming more and more like Jesus - more kind, caring, compassionate, forgiving, encouraging, and loving. It's lovely to witness the loving behaviour of the mature Christians and to see new Christians transforming before our eyes with the help of the Holy Spirit working within their lives. It is exciting and motivating. Without even realising it, we encourage each other to practice positive behaviour just by demonstrating it ourselves.   

We enjoy different things together throughout the seasons - Christmas Dinner, meeting in each other's homes, activities in the community centre, etc.  We get out and about together to enjoy each other's company. Together we admire and celebrate God's wonderful creation. 

We are all ordinary people, trying to make sense of the world around us, and finding joy, peace, freedom, security, love and truth in the word of God. 

All our upcoming plans for activities will be posted regularly on the website

and in the latest Newsletter